[MEDIUM] The Echoes of Someone Else

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Rapture stomps his hoof in annoyance, where were the others? He had requested these equines directly. Demanded even, he knew these horses and could work with them and they somewhat listened to him, the great and all powerful! He had not had much of a chance to show off his skill, instead he watched the others fail miserably. He would change that, could change that!

He is of course a prime example of what a courser should be! He is larger, knows a thing or two, can clearly survive even with the worst of groups! He is magnificent, so of course when the others show up Rapture puffs out his chest. “Welcome back friends! I see we are here to take another turn into the world below. This time I will lead and show you how it’s truly done!” he boasts. Rapture smiles all charmingly, forgets that he has probably ruined any good nature between them all from last time. How he hones in on any flaws from the others and picks it apart like maggots to a corpse. Doesn’t understand he is the rot. How could he when all he knows and will ever know is the greatness he sees in himself.

Gi offers a stiff nod to the other two, Seance and Memoire as the three head to see who their other companion will be. To see that red heraldic bastard was enough for Gi to nearly turn away, if it wasn’t for Asoroth tightening around his neck. “Yes yes of course can’t leave the ladies with him.” He mutters as his snake seems to ease off. So kind of her, he thinks bitterly.

“Rapture…. All too soon to see you again.” he says, his face going blank. Eyes narrowed in a bit, but he gave no other emotion. It’s easier to deal with things when he can slip on a mask. Pretend to be what his father had always wanted out of him, so this can be no different.

“Lead the way then, since we are all here let's go.” hes with a tilt of his head, a brow arched as if daring the other courser. He watches with a glint in his eyes as Rapture nods and leads the way. It’s best to just get this done and over with. Giovanni already wishes Dae was here instead, honesty wishes he was with Dae, or even Bart. Bart was better than this heraldic. The horse was truly a stone in his hoof, wears him down, leaves him limping. Could be the reason they all die, he thinks miserably.

Friends? She ponders at the word leaving Rapture’s mouth. He is no friend to her, he is nothing to her. Just a moving vessel that carries the bones she seeks. Once he is no more, she will take his corpse and ring him out to dry, and will take what is hers. Rightful payment for the pain she had endured by his sharp lashing of words.

Glancing to the other two, she watches Gigi turn into something else, something colder and she frowns a bit more at that. Turning to Memoire, she sees the smaller girl puff out her chest, as if Rapture is the next boss they must fight. She wonders if perhaps he is, his loot would be good. His skull would be hers… It is a thought she will push back for another time.

Now, Haunt and herself go after the others. Listening to the talk Rapture seems so fond of doing. But it all goes silent when a horrifying scream echoes in the walls of the cavern. Eyes widen as she looks around it sounds so close, and yet with all the echoing it is hard to tell exactly where it is. Where it is coming from. “Should we help?” she asks. A part of her wants to go, a deeper part hopes it is the skull faced courser they had seen before. He haunts her dreams, she wonders what has become of her undead knight. All she wants is a chance to rekindle the fires from before. Is that too much to ask?

“Oh boy…” she thinks as the little group of three becomes four and somehow that single addition is enough to make the odds terrible. So they are stuck with him, and Memoire thinks it is because no one else wants to deal with. Rapture should just be a solo courser, she thinks bitterly. Wouldn’t know teamwork if it bit him in the ass. Granted she heard how Giovanni had bit someone’s ass. Maybe he’d be willing to go for it again? Set the red straight, she nearly is ready to suggest it, when the scream echoes within the cavern.

Ears flicker back to her skull and that… that sounds like a near death scream. Seance is the first to break the silence, asking if they should even help. Honestly, is it too late? She glances over at the others and looks at her little moth that seems to cling to her mane. “I’m not so sure that is a good idea?” she mutters, ignoring the way Seance seems to give her a sharp look. As if she is missing the bigger picture of it.

Giovanni steps forward to speak, but Memoire watches the way Rapture nearly bullies him over. Standing tall he tells them they should go, they should save this certain courser from death’s grip. Memoire scowls and thinks it will be them in death’s clutch. But so be it!

“Fine let us go to death with arms wide open.” she sighs, and looks to see Seance smiling at her, and Memoire sighs. It was sarcastic, but whatever that is the last thing Seance needs to know.

Memoire looks over to Giovanni as Seance follows after Rapture insearch of the owner of the scream. “I’m not so sure about this.” she hums softly. Giovanni nods, agrees with her so easily, and yet they don’t turn around, drag Seance with them and leave Rapture to find the courser by himself. No, they follow after their leader like a dog, and Memoire groans more to herself. “Whhyyyy?” she whines pitifully.

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[MEDIUM] The Echoes of Someone Else
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In Campaigns ・ By howeverwilde

Your party advances into the dungeon.
The silence of the dungeon is interrupted by a startling cry; the unmistakable scream of a Courser in agony echoes from a side passage. It sounds close by, but does not form words to answer any questions. Your party must decide whether to forge on or risk losing time (or worse) by seeking the source of the noise

Submitted By howeverwilde for Campaign - MediumView Favorites
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 weeks ago

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