[DD1] I Was Lost But Now I'm Found

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The air in the dungeon hung heavy, saturated with the scent of damp earth and something less tangible—something ancient and foreboding, like a warning whispered through time. Enok’s hooves moved in a slow, deliberate rhythm against the cool stone floor, each step calculated, every breath controlled. His light brown eyes swept the darkness, their calm patience born from experience, taking in the subtle shifts in shadow and light. The dungeon was a place where the usual rules didn’t apply, where even the air seemed to conspire against you, twisting with hidden currents that carried whispers of things best left undisturbed.

Suddenly, a faint noise broke through the silence—a soft scuffle, perhaps the sound of hooves on loose gravel. Enok halted, his ears flicking towards the sound, every muscle taut with readiness. It came from a narrow passageway to his left, half-hidden behind a curtain of hanging moss that swayed slightly, as if disturbed by something more than just air. Instinct urged caution, but a nudge of curiosity—one he couldn’t quite suppress—pulled him forward. The passageway narrowed, its rough stone walls closing in on him, brushing against his sides like the dungeon itself was trying to push him back.

As he moved deeper, the light from his presence barely reached ahead, casting long, shifting shadows. Then, just beyond the reach of that dim light, he saw her: a figure struggling in the gloom, her hooves slipping on the slick stone as she tried to find her footing. Enok’s heart gave a soft, reluctant thud of recognition. It was Varin, the vivacious Courser from Fernburough, her coat’s snowflake markings catching the faintest glimmer of light. The contrast between the bright, lively Varin he knew and the disheveled, lost creature before him tugged at something deep within him—a soft pang of concern that tightened his chest.

For a moment, he simply watched her, torn between his instinct to help and the cold, practical voice in his head reminding him that the dungeon was no place for distractions. But Varin wasn’t just a distraction; she was a fellow Courser, and more than that, a beacon of life and energy in a place that seemed intent on extinguishing such things.

"Varin," he called softly, his voice a low rumble that seemed to reverberate gently off the stone, wrapping around them both. He approached her with measured steps, careful not to startle her. "What are you doing down here?"

Varin’s ears perked up at the sound of her name, her body relaxing as she recognized Enok’s steady voice. She turned towards him, her honey-brown eyes wide, a mix of frustration and hope flickering within them. The dungeon had been nothing like she’d imagined—no grand halls or sparkling treasures, only endless corridors twisting back on themselves like some cruel jest. Her usually immaculate mane was tangled, and the chestnut streaks in her coat were streaked with grime, a stark reminder of the dungeon's oppressive weight.

Oh, Enok, thank the stars!” Her voice, typically light and full of mischief, now carried a note of desperation she couldn’t quite conceal. “This place… it’s a nightmare! I swear, I’ve been walking in circles for hooouuurrrs.

She took a tentative step towards him, her movements still graceful despite her flustered state, though Enok noticed the faint tremor in her legs. She had come here expecting an adventure, a thrilling escapade like those she often recounted with sparkling eyes. But the dungeon’s cold, uncaring walls had stripped away that bravado quickly, leaving her feeling small, vulnerable. The darkness seemed to press in on her from all sides, alive and suffocating, sapping her spirit with each passing moment.

Puh-leeease tell me you know the way out,” she added, her voice softening, almost pleading. For once, Varin wasn’t concerned with appearances; she just wanted to feel safe again, to grasp something familiar and steady in this disorienting labyrinth.

Enok took in Varin’s disheveled state, his light brown eyes softening with an understanding that came from experience. He knew all too well the way this place could twist you, disorient even the strongest, the most confident. But seeing Varin, usually so vibrant and unflappable, reduced to uncertainty stirred a protectiveness in him, a quiet resolve to guide her out of this shadowy maze.

He stepped closer, his presence a calm, grounding force in the midst of her turmoil. “We’ll find our way out, together,” he assured her, his voice steady and sure, carrying the quiet strength that was as much a part of him as his own heartbeat. “But first, let’s get you somewhere safer.

Varin felt a surge of warmth at his words, the tension in her muscles easing as she nodded, her trust in him absolute. Enok’s certainty was like a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty she’d been floundering in. She fell into step beside him, matching his careful pace, her usual impulsiveness tempered by the oppressive weight of the dungeon’s atmosphere.

As they moved through the narrow corridor, Varin’s spirits began to lift, buoyed by Enok’s steady presence. She couldn’t help but find a bitter irony in the situation—here she was, the bright, playful Courser of Fernburough, being rescued by the calm and stoic Enok. And yet, despite everything, it felt right, as though the dungeon itself had conspired to bring them together, each providing something the other lacked.

In the silence that followed, the two Coursers continued on, side by side. Enok’s mind worked methodically, piecing together the path they had taken, while Varin’s thoughts drifted towards home, the familiarity of it a distant comfort. The dungeon might have tried to swallow them both, but as long as they had each other, they stood a better chance of finding their way out of its depths.

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[DD1] I Was Lost But Now I'm Found
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In Dungeon Dives ・ By mercuri

What was supposed to be a normal dive in the dungeon for Enok became a rescue mission when he finds Varin in a not so pleasant state of confusion. 

Submitted By mercuri for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 weeks ago

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