[DD2] A Found Friend
"Witches sink, feathers float." Fetch lilted as she looked over her shoulder at First Dawn. All the heraldic Courser could do was frown slightly. It was an honour to be taken into the dungeons with such a prolific and talented explorer, but Fetch was an odd soul. First Dawn had met her when she was just a foal, and Fetch had taken a shine to her, for some reason. And now that First Dawn was old enough to become an adventurer, Fetch had invited her down into the Earthen Furance. Well, at least First Dawn was pretty sure that's what their conversation had been about. It was hard to know with Fetch, after all.
Fetch was leading them into the Earthen Furnace, but here near the surface the air was just perceptibly hotter than what First Dawn was used to. She'd heard stories from other Coursers about just how harrowing this place could be, but Fetch seemed confident. As her guide pranced ahead of her, clearly happy to be back in a dungeon, First Dawn noticed a little creature, clinging sadly to the stone wall. First Dawn had seen one of these before, in the market. A salamander. This one, however, was sad and dull. Perhaps it had wandered too far from its home in the Furnace.
She looks at the little creature, pondering its value. Probably many, many coins. But it looks cold, and lonely. First Dawn extended her nose, and the creature scrambled towards the minorly increased warmth. It's scooted up her muzzle, all the way to her mane. She could feel it settling. "I'll let you go when we're somewhere warmer." She whispered to her new erstwhile companion. No point in alerting Fetch to this little predicament. Surely she'd be too busy planning their route.
"Rolling stones travel onwards!" Fetch's voice called back to her. First Dawn hurried after her mentor, salamander aboard for the ride.
Salamanders are valuable to sell as alchemical components, but they are also overhunted and becoming scarce. You find one that has strayed too far from the magma, its skin beginning to cool and harden. It would be easy to capture it like this. What do you do?
Submitted By Ellanoire
for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago