What are the chances it's just an overgrown goose?
"How did we get nearly defeated by a bunch of books?" Quill lamented as he shook away the remaining adrenaline from his body. The musty scent coiled within his nostrils, stagnant and unappealing as his feet pressed into the first of the darkened waters. Ears pinned flat to his head, he waited for Walter to settle onto his back before he stepped forward. There was no reason for both of them to be miserable.
Castalla and Karlach//
“Gods know.” Karlach snorted, more bemused by their trouncing than anything else. “But hey, we made it out ok, didn’t we?”
Castalla’s lips pulled into a grim line as she waded through the water, pale fur stained a grimey green-grey from gods-knew what. The fall of each hoof echoed frustratingly in the chiasmic chamber, Castalla’s ears twitching irritatedly from their position flat against her skull.
“Cheer up, love,” Karlach said gently, brushing away a strand of blonde hair that had fallen in front of Castalla’s eyes. For as long as Castalla had known Karlach, she’d always found touch comforting - whether it was a quick little nudge, a hearty cuddle or just being next to each other - it had always been so important to her. Not that Castalla minded, in fact she enjoyed it, and took every opportunity to return the gesture knowing how it made Karlach feel.
Beaky hopped from Karlach’s shoulders to Castalla’s, membranous wings fluttering as he landed awkwardly on the slightly narrower withers.
Despite her dour mood, Castalla found herself smiling just a little, glancing gratefully at Karlach and leaning into the soft touch.
Alas, as seemed to be an emerging pattern for the small little group, danger reared its head once more, in the form of a shape that steadily moved through the waters towards them.
“Please tell me you all see that?” Castalla drew her weapon, the metal hissing free of the sheath as she bared her teeth, eyes fixed on the approaching thing.
Elrim & Quill//
"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Quill acquiesced to Karlach as he followed behind the pair, walking as stiff as he could to prevent any of the muck from splashing on top of him, or worse, to the adventurer walking beside him. No loot, no luck… Karlach was right. At least they had their lives.
Elrim's pace was steady through the grime, unknown slime sticking to his legs with each step. The noise ahead got an ear flicker, and he stilled, listening to the moving water amongst the trudging of the group's footsteps.
"What are the chances it's just an overgrown goose?" Elrim asked dryly, Walter's insulted honk echoing off the tunnels followed by Quill's immediate shhhhhh! So much for any element of surprise that they would have had otherwise. It likely wasn't a goose, unfortunately.
As the large creature moved across the surface of the water, Elrim slowly pulled out the greatsword and joined Castalla and Karlach, a resigned look upon his face. "What's one creature against the likes of us?"
Your path leads you down a dank corridor and into a vast cistern. You must wade through dark, stagnant waters, your sloshing steps echoing into the dark forest of columns. The sound is answered by a louder splash and in the distance the water’s surface bulges over a shape rushing toward you.
Submitted By Darkrise
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago