[MEDIUM] A bridge and a gap
The group trotted along the path, Terrence cautiously looking for any traps as they moved. Though Terrence would come to a halt as he stared at the bridge ahead of them, he hadn't planned for this. "We'll have to turn back, or cross it.." A mutter would sound from the almost iridescent courser, casting a glance towards his companions.
Fetch would tilt her head Terrence's words, a soft huff leaving their chest. "I think we should cross, it can't be that dangerous!" She'd exclaim, letting her gaze drift to the bridge past the dark courser. "Besides, this isn't a hard quest.. i don't see the reason to be so cautious."
Logue would listen to the two speak, mulling over their choices before his voice rang out over the sudden silence. "I agree, we should cross." He wasn't fond of the idea of crossing either, but they couldn't turn back now. They'd go back empty-handed.
A deep sigh left the dark courser's body, turning his gaze back towards the bridge as his hooves started moving before he could think of stopping, urged on by his companions. Fetch would be close at his side, while Logue trailed behind to keep an eye on the palomino stallion that accompanied them.
A creak would sound over the silence, as a cold blast would come from beneath, blowing out their only source of light aside from the wisp the palomino had brought along.
The bridge would start falling apart beneath them, Fetch quickly breaking into a gallop and leaping across the gap, followed by Terrence who'd slip as the gap widened under him, barely clinging onto the ledge on the other side. "Fetch! Fetch, help me." His voice laced with panic as his face faltered, staring up at the taller courser. "You're gonna be okay, you're going to be okay. Just hold on.." Fetch sprung into action as they'd get to tying a rope around Terrence's torso, despite her own panic lacing her body now.
Logue would've frozen for a few swift seconds as the scene went down, though wouldn't be far behind as he'd canter towards the ledge as well. Ken following suite, though as they neared the edge the much larger courser would bash into the back of Logue, nearly taking them both down. Key's, Ken's wisp, travelled across the gap, intending to light the way.
Logue would swear under his breath, balancing close to the ledge as he waited for Terrence to be pulled up. "Are you all okay?" His voice rang out, getting a resounding "Yeah, we're good." In response as soon as the other courser had been pulled onto solid ground, letting Logue kick off the ledge he was standing on, landing safely on the other side.
Ken would watch the group pant, trying to reassure each other that they were all okay. Taking a moment to watch Key's float above the abyss, he'd let a heavy exhale leave his nostrils. He still hadn't found Tarnish, despite delving deeper into the dungeon.
Soon enough, Ken would follow them across the gap.
"A sudden blast of cold air from below douses your torches and lanterns. The grinding of stone on stone is heard as sections of the path underfoot pull away from each other. The platforms of solid ground drift apart, a chilling abyss stretching out below their separation."
They are, unfortunately, stuck with an incompetent himbo of a horse!
Submitted By JUMPST4RTED
for Campaign - Medium
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago