[EASY] Solo 002 | Easy Campaign

In Campaigns ・ By fyre
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"You discover the brittle remains of a mage's library, complete with collapsed shelves of ancient volumes. As you approach one to appraise the value of its contents, the books begin to stir. At once, frenzied tomes fly from their perches, flapping through the air to swoop and dive at your party. Throughout the attack, each shrieks its contents in languages you can't understand."

The crown provided; only because the baroness had asked so kindly.

Vivaine heard many stories of the riches held in the dungeon; whether that be vast knowledge, ancient artifacts, or pure gold- the dungeon would provide. If one was bold enough to test it's riddles and nigh-impossible tasks. And for their beloveds...? Well... the lavender courser would face such things with fearless bravado.

An easy enough feat, especially when their beloveds had also asked the young king to provide both protection and planning.

"Aye, can't we pick up the pace Kalim?" The small course perked their ears, brindled barrel shaking in anticipation, "You said you knew this part of the dungeon."

"We shouldn't press on too quickly- the dungeon cares little for impatience," Fetch interjected before Kalim could speak up. Once again she was playing the role of hired guide; with their last venture still fresh in the mind she understood hesitance and careful steps.

Lessons had been learned.

"After all, it doesn't know time. Not in the way we do," She tacked on, earning a nod of agreement from the guard courser that flanked the group.

"Don't worry, the library will be there no matter when we arrive," a patient grey, assistant to the young king, named Casper spoke from behind the group- he offered encouragement. He had come along for the crown; seeking long-lost answers to ancient questions.

Vivaine let out an exasperated nicker, ears pinning back. Impatient words had no effect.

They would continue as they were.

Quiet passages made the trek last what felt like a hundred lifetimes but, finally, after an impossible amount of footfalls along broken stone they had arrived at the location. It was one often overlooked by treasure hunters as it held tomes and scrolls; the treasure it gave was only useful to those who could parse forgotten words and languages warped with time. And few cared for such things when gilded finds were so much simpler to assign a value to.

"We are here," Fetch spoke, her dark muzzle pushing open a door. On creaky hinges it opened slowly; even in the darkness, one could make out shelves upon shelves of lost tomes. "Bring the light over?" The courser asked ears perked as her gaze drifted over to the marked grey.

Casper pulled away from his place at the back of the group, head craning to grab a lantern that swung at his side. With a firm grip he held it in his teeth, walking into the library first; he held his head high to cast the light as far as he could.

A cursory check made all seem well; in the golden light, nothing seemed to scurry out of sight. No shadows seemed to reach out in protest to snuff out that which chased them away.

So far there was peace.

Once Casper had moved to the side the rest of the party filled the library- lanterns placed about for more light. Kalim went about lighting any sconces or torches he could find. Even the odd candelabra, if the wax wasn't too spent. Fetch kept an eye on the doorway, lest something sinister try to slip through.

Casper and Vivaine on the other hand were interested in this trove of abandoned knowledge.

"I wonder how much of this is salvageable," Casper commented to himself- a nose nudging open a book that was sitting on a pedestal. "I would love to bring this back to the kingdom to study; maybe add them to the library if we can find a way to decipher these old languages." He tried reading the words and while he could make out familiar letters many were new or entirely foreign.

This could take months to decipher...

If they managed to at all.

"That is what Lunden is trying to do," Vivaine responded, "He was quite interested when he heard this library was intact early in the dungeon." She lifted a book with her teeth, only for half of it to fall to the ground with a puff of dust and the slap of old leather binding on stone.

"Looks like many of the books are in rough shape though..." The grey courser commented, turning his attention to the other and her damaged finds.

It was in this instance of misplaced attention that something began to stir.

The book that Casper had nudged open began to shift and flip its pages; the frayed papers landing on the illustration of some mimic beast. Not the classic chest but instead a book much like the one on the pedestal. Its shift had been silent but had not gone wholly unnoticed.

"Uhh... Casper...?" Kalim spoke, ears perked in alarm as he began to reach for a bayonet at his side.

"Yes?" They grey responded, before settling on the text again with wide eyes. That wasn't where-

"No... Everyone get back!" Fetch yelled, just barely missing her chance to get the grey assistant away as the book's frayed pages turned to daggers and snapped shut inches away from his neck.

At missing their target the ancient tome screeched, rising from its pedestal and casting a blue glow about the room. As it extended more of the library's works began to rise; teeth forming from frayed edges and snapping down with the weight of old leather covers. Some even hissed, spoke, dingy ribbons acting as tongues as they let loose words not heard for centuries.

What had been peace quickly turned to chaos and soon the party was left scrambling for the doorway, ears laying flat and tails tucked to avoid losing one to a stray bite. As the guard Kalim brought up the rear, bayonet jabbing at the tomes to try and keep them at bay.

Once Vivaine and Casper were through, Kalim finally followed- hooves landing a swift kick on one thick tome while a swifter text managed to land a blow to his heel.

With a pained grunt and another kick, the bay managed to get the ancient journal to release him. Though not without blood marring its tattered pages.

Once all were out Fetch would slam the door closed with her shoulder; through the ancient timber, one could still hear the screeching as the library's contents slammed against it. "You lot get going, I'll hold it closed!" She yelled, teeth bared as she dug her heels into the cobble.

"But-" Vivaine stammered, hesitant to leave someone behind.

"I can handle these alone if they break free- just go!" This time the ether spoke with authority. She was born here; cursed texts were trivial at best when it came to the dungeon's trials.

But she wouldn't allow anyone else to get caught in a magical crossfire.
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[EASY] Solo 002 | Easy Campaign
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In Campaigns ・ By fyre
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Submitted By fyre for Campaign - Easy
Submitted: 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 days ago

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[[EASY] Solo 002 | Easy Campaign by fyre (Literature)](https://dungeon-coursers.com/gallery/view/1526)
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