[DD1] the word - kai
Kai and seigmyer traveled down into the depths of the dungeon, and had traveled through the darkness with nothing but the light spell that he was able to use as the darkness grew around them. He found himself in an odd corner of the caverns with what looked like the remains of an old camp. Everything looked like it would fall apart if he touched it, so he was careful not to. Seigmer’s googly eyes bounced randomly around as he rode in his holster. The golden courser had come across a word that was carved into the rock and it read galatea. He wasn’t sure what it was and it didn’t seem to be useful for finding gold so he shrugged and moved on.
You find yourself in an odd corner of the caverns with what look like the remains of an old camp. Besides the iron cookery and dust-filled humanoid armor, you feel that if you touched any of it, it might buckle under the weight of time. Carved into the stone is a strange word: GALATEA. What do you make of this?
Submitted By xjustxryanx
for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 1 week ago