[DD1] The Tales of the Empty Grave 0009
Chaos was thinking he would soon head back to the camp before he got totally lost when he came across a hole in the cavern floor.
He stared at it and wondered what was on the other side.
He found that the longer he stared at it, the more compelled he felt to jump in an explore.
Now Chaos, both teams are out for just a short while. If you stay out too long then they'll come back and find you missing. Then there will be a whole search and rescue mission. Which would be dramatic enough but then imagine that you will need to listen to Evan whine and complain about how reckless and inconsiderate you are for at least ten minutes...
Chaos was doing a pretty good job of reminding himself why investigating something like this that was clearly out of the norm was a bad idea.
He considered too that he had two companions with him, and one was quite expensive and the other was quite cute. It would be a shame to take them into danger.
"Alright mysterious hole in the ground! I'll have to come back to check you out when I am alone!"
With that Chaos turned purposefully away and headed in a different direction.
He was of a mind to stop and get a nap, but no where looked comfortable so he jus kept walking.
Submitted By shardofmoon
for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 3 days ago ・
Last Updated: 3 days ago