[EASY] The Tales of the Empty Grave 0007
The party was travelling slower now but everyone was still in good spirts.
Phaze and Benedict were thinking up name for their mini-courser undead servants and Quill thought they were definitely rushing the matter but he kept that to himself.
The next thing them came across was an old abandoned workshop. It was filled with all sorts of bits and bobs, which Quillerian who had a thirst for knowledge was happy to see.
They each took a corner of the room and started to investigate it more carefully.
"Achoo!" Phaze sneezed when moving something threw up a cloud of dust. He blipped in and out of existence when he sneezed. The next instant there was a clanging and a creaking as the whole workshop seemed to spin.
"What the heck!" Benedict cried out.
"Hold steady!" Ruin insturcted.
Quill was more worried about the skeletal servant losing balance but it actually fared better than them.
When the dust settled there were suddenly three exits instead of just one.
"Holy trap batman!" Phaze exclaimed, "I think I triggered this by moving something over here. I'm sorry."
"No need to apologize," Quill was quick to say, "Let's access the situation carefully before we make any decisions."
"I also think we should continue to search the room and find all the valuables before we attempt to leave," Ruin added, "I have the feeling that once we try to leave we won't be able to come back here."
They all headed what he said and went back to checking. Amazingly not much had shifted when the room spun which was a testament to how well crafted the mechanism at play here was.
"I found a couple keys," Benedict reported.
"Nice! I found a box of old jewelry!" Phaze said next.
Quillerian managed to find a couple tomes on wood working and he qietly tucked those away without feeling the need to announce it.
Once they were finished the gathered together to vote on which exit to take.
They quickly settled on the south facing exit and Phase volunteered to take the lead since he would be the one who had the highest chance of escaping.
"Alright then, go on Phaze, be alert," Quill cautioned.
"Will do! Back in a jiffy!"
And with them he disappeared.
Submitted By shardofmoon
for Campaign - Easy
Submitted: 1 day ago ・
Last Updated: 1 day ago