[BOSS] Campaign 006: Training the Newbies Erin End

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When Samantha and Flynn rushed along the corridor to catch up with the battle they found a scene of chaos. Erin was charred slightly on the side as if he had barely missed getting a full blast and Edos was attacking the skull as if possessed.

After a split second to asess the situation, both of them jumped into action. Flynn galloped over to Erin's side and took his place in the line of fire.

"Return to the back and attack there!" Flynn told him.

"Yes Lieutenent! Thank you!" Erin panted as he changed direction and headed behind the skull.

The hounds had been swarming around Edos's feet providing exra targets for the Skull. It workled well because they were more agile and it was finding it hard to aim at them.

Samantha left them too it, going to the opposite side of the skull from Edos and firing off arrows at the jaw joint.

By working together they were able to finally beat the skull back into oblivion. With a muffled scream it exploded into several peices and crashed to the ground.

In the midst of it was a much smaller skull with glowing eyes.

Edos approached it and after a moment, he smashed it with his pick fork!!

"This is probably some high level necromancer spell," Erin said quietly.

"You might be right.. but let Samantha treat your burn wound," Edos told him, "We can leave trying to figure things out for later."

"it's jus a little singed, it doesn't hurt much," Erin explained.

They didn't pay him any mind. Samantha got to work looking in her pack for a burn ointment and carefully applied it to the injured spots. While she was doing that, Flynn and Edos searched the area.

"There is secret room here," Flynn said, "Flynn is just not sure if trying to open it will trigger another trap."

"Let's leave it for now. Was there anything good in the other room?" Edos asked him.

"Plenty of really good tomes, some are on magic that Flynn didn't understand but Samantha says that Erin would get a lot of use out of them. We left Alec to finish up."

"Alright, I'll go take a look."

"Flynn still can't believe the books attacked up. I think that happened one time long ago too, on Kamphire's first mission.. do you think it is the same mage?" Flynn asked him.

"It might just be that things left in the dungeons start to come to life," Edos pointed out.

"Oh, creepy. This has been a very creep adventure!"

Edos whole heartedly agreed with Flynn on that one. He had thought he had seen it all, but there was still more left to surprise him.

Alec was reading through one of the tome when they came in. When he saw them he floated over and swirled all around them.

"All the good stuff is here," Alec said, pointing to a considerable pile, "This pile is only good to take if we have room."

"I believe the plan to to leave after this," Edos said, "So we should be able to take everything."

"Geat. treasure! They are worth a lot even if we keep them for ourselves," Alec stated.

"We can add the ones we don't want for ourselves to the library at the militia camp," Flynn suggested.

"That's a good idea. I'll compensate the party for the donation at market rate."

Alec and Flynn shared a glance and Flynn rolled his eyes. 

"It's been three years and you still want to treat Flynn like an employee.... but then you still treat Samantha, Ravin and Ian that way.. OK. Flynn will forgive you for your short comings."

His little speech left Edos unable to respond and Alec snickered, his laugh echoing eerily around the room.

"You missed meeting a necromancer," Edos said to Alec, blatantly changing the subject. 

Alec's ghostly form shook a bit.

"Necromancer!" he cried out, "Dangerous! Run"

Edos was in agreement with his statement. Flynn caught up his companion on what had transpired while Edos started to pack away the books.

He was mostly finished when Samantha and Erin came in.

"We're all done here, for the most part. I think instead of heading back directly, especially since we have to sneak past that giant again, that we take a few hours to rest and regain vigor."

"Sounds good to Flynn."

"Erin needs to rest," Samantha said, "The poultice can work very well but it needs some time."

"it's settled then."

After Edos' statement, they returned to the clearing they had camped in before and set up temporarily. Samantha put on the pot and dissuaded Erin from helping her. 

"Go chat with Edos instead," she told him.

Erin shyly went and set up next to Edos.

Flynn and his ghost were off exploring a bit, so the two were alone.

"You did well for your first fight. I apologize that you were injured under my watch Erin."

"No General, you warned me in enough time for me to dodge. I'm grateful and I enjoyed it. I feel like I learned so much more than I could in just a normal class."

"This was suppose to be a medium difficulty run, but it turned out a lot more deadly than I intended," Edos admitted, "You will be ranked up and rewarded for your contribution."

"I just did what I should do," Erin disagreed, "I am grateful for this opportunity. Both to come to this campaign and also just to be in the Wolf Thorn."

"Tell me a but about your history. I saw on the application you are dungeon born from the light kingdom, but I am not familiar with it..." Edos said.


Erin was happy to do so and the two bowed their heads close together as they talked. 

[BOSS] Campaign 006: Training the Newbies Erin End
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In Campaigns ・ By shardofmoon
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Submitted By shardofmoon for Campaign - Boss
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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