[DD1] Snow - Edin
He came to the next room over, and in the darkness could see what seemed like an abandoned house in the center as he then carefully made his way to the front porch. The courser was curious as to why there was a random old house, so he went ahead and knocked on the door and Snow ran around the outskirts of the house to make sure there were no enemies. The courser then opened the door and everything was in shambles as if no one had lived here for centuries. The courser looked at the place in sorrow, that it was abandoned, and then he looked down at Snow, who would bolster his spirits as he wagged his tail quickly.
Safety may be an illusion, but it is one a Courser must maintain to live the life of an adventurer. What do you do (or bring along) to help bolster your spirits and make you feel protected?
Submitted By xjustxryanx
for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 2 weeks ago