[DD2] Turns Out, It was a Trap - Terrence and Cal

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So far, nothing horrible had happened.

No one was hurt, nothing bad had happened, it was just a long, long hallways sloping slowly down and away from that horribly angry face-mouth doorway.

Which was surprising. The sense of dread Terrence had gotten as he walked through the door hadn't gone away, but it'd been about a half hour stroll since they'd first gone through and nothing had happened. Cal had stopped and done some map stuff at multiple points, but it was just a long hallway. Terrence was beginning to wonder if it was the trauma of getting crushed in the wall that was rearing its head again. Or had he just become superstitious when he stopped paying attention? It would make sense if he was still concerned about narrow hallways after the incident, but it had been a week now and nothing like that had happened since then. 

Turning to look at his companion on this trip, he nearly jumped out of his skin when he turned and Cal was only a foot away looking at him. "GAH! Cadastrel! You very nearly scared the life out of me!"

Cal blinked. "Pardon. I did not mean to frighten you. I am done surveying this area and am ready to proceed onward. And please, call me Cal."

Shaking himself off, he took a deep breath. "Great. I'm ready to go again, just tell me when you want to stop again." He started forwards again, now keeping a careful eye on the somehow very quiet noble. Throughout the time he'd spent with them during this dive, they'd proved their self to be ridiculously stealthy. This was probably the fourth or fifth time that they had managed to scare the wits out of him. There was just something so catlike about them when they moved, like they might suddenly pounce and start running or something. Terrence couldn't quite pinpoint exactly what their vibe was. Something about them was strange, and they kept managing to do things that made him nervous for some reason. And Terrence did not get nervous.

"So in your experience, would you say hallways such as this tend to lead to interesting things? And what I mean by interesting is gold, jewels, ancient technology, artifacts, books, pottery, art..." They tilted their head from one side to another as if weighing something in their mind.

Terrence frowned. "It tends to be a bit of a toss up. It's just as likely to lead to treasure as it is to some type of horrifying trap. It's not something I've ever thought about, ratio wise, but I expect it to be some type of fifty fifty split chance." His mind continued to take him back to that one hallway.  "I once went into a dungeon with a hallway kind of similar to this. Had two faces above the doorway and everything. We walked through those doors and nearly got crushed to death by the hallway itself. Though I'm sure you know well enough that the dungeon is capable of things like that." 

Cal gave a very slow nod. "Yes, I know of it. I've seen diagrams of some of the gear work, even." They very slowly cleared their throat. "And if it makes you feel any better... I do not hear any gear work in these walls. They are very much solid and will not move."

Great. Terrence's anxiety was plainly aware for all to see. Yaayyyy. He took a deep breath. "I wasn't worried." He had been but... well, he didn't want to be seen through like that. It was uncomfortable. When he brought others into the dungeon for contracts it was his job to be the strong and capable type. Not the fearful, jumping at his own shadow type. And yet for the second time dungeon diving since the accident here he was constantly being terrified of the walls closing in around him. HELLS, he'd even had to be babysat while he fell asleep when he'd gone diving with Solace.

"Interesting." Terrence blinked free from his thoughts as Cal started to speak again. "I will add lava hazard to my notes." 

"Wait what do you mean- OH SHIT!" Terrence jerked sideways as he stared down at the floor, noting the magma slowly pooling beneath his feet. When he looked up again to order Cal to move, they were already a good twenty feet ahead of him and still moving down the hall. When had they even started moving? He snorted hard and started galloping after them, fear rising in his chest as he tore his way out of the rising lava as quickly as possible. When he reached Cal he looked back with a grim expression, realizing it was still rising. 

"We've got to keep going." He growled, barely slowing to a canter as he passed Cal and sped up again, fully intending on galloping past and heading straight towards the entrance of the mouth. There was no way he was going to risk his life just to try and poke a little further into this corner of the dungeon. He glanced over expecting to see them trailing behind him. He was once again surprised to see that they had kept up, or actually, were even going to pass him. 

"Come on now!" Cadastrel called out. "It's not worth either of our lives to continue along this way for now! Come along!" Their voice was still achingly polite as they sped past, their lighter frame apparently superb for being incredibly quick. 

Terrence almost growled in response as he pushed his body harder, having a bit of a bad time right about then, and the idea that someone was doing better than him wasn't helping. Maybe he really did need a week off like Solace had suggested. Maybe it'd help. Gah, but he didn't want to take a break or even have to be gone from dungeon diving for that long. He was forced to a halt when he almost crashed headlong into Cal, who was standing near the open mouth, breathing hard and staring back at the way they had come. "See anything interesting?" He asked almost wincing as his voice managed to be just a touch too loud. 

They nodded, frowning. "When we left that section of the path, the lava stopped rising. It's receding now. Even as we speak." They gestured behind him, shaking their head in a disappointed manner. "I do believe that may have just been a trap. We shall simply have to find another way deeper into the dungeon. But I will keep that information in mind."

"Nope. We're spending the night right here and then we'll continue. Maybe." Was he seriously considering taking a week off? Crispin would encourage it. "I want to sit and keep watch over that tunnel for an evening's turn to see if we actually set something off or if it's just one of the dungeon's little system cycles." He scowled down the hallway. "And then depending on my mood, this expedition may simply be over. We'll see in the morning."

Cal very hesitantly nodded in agreement. "Alright then." Terrence blinked, almost surprised that they hadn't said otherwise. "If you believe that is best for us than I will hardly disagree." They offered warmly. "You know, I can read your expressions and I do believe you've probably been considering me as some big hostile force you had to escort down here, rather than a grateful adventurer who is simply glad to follow your leadership. Tomorrow then, we can head back up." Terrence didn't respond, either because he was too busy thinking or sulking, regardless, he attempted to shoot an apologetic glance their way. Cal merely nodded in return and went off to another part of the room to do something with their maps. 

Terrence ignored them, quite frankly too tired and cross to deal with it. Tomorrow, he promised himself, tomorrow he would deal with his feelings. Tonight though, he would rest.

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[DD2] Turns Out, It was a Trap - Terrence and Cal
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In Dungeon Dives ・ By TheSentientBurger

The floor is lava. Quite literally. Magma has begun to pool under your hooves. How do you escape?

Submitted By TheSentientBurger for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 weeks ago

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