Character Masterlist
Owner | Name | Breed | Variant | Phenotype |
JUMPST4RTED | 1161: Cricket | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Sooty Crowned Pangare Weld Ether Dun Gilt Tabard Rabicano Sabino False Leopard Leopard with Birdcatcher Spots, Brindle, Chimera, Swarf, Ore |
spoopi | 1139: Malvolia | Dungeon Courser | Cold Ether Gilt (carries Silver) with Chimera, Ore | |
Soren | 1102: Trickster | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Pangare Madder Buckskin Harlequin with Bend-or Spots, Kintsugi, Ore |
ducclord | 1091: Wheatley | Dungeon Courser | Gold Pearl Tabard with Ore | |
Raven | 1089: Dorian | Dungeon Courser | Blanched Smoky Black Gilt Tabard Overo with Kintsugi, Ore | |
TheSentientBurger | 1069: Hellebore | Dungeon Courser | Puck | Sooty Crowned Blanched Tyrian Pearl Champagne Gilt Filigree Cuirass Overo Splash (carries Flaxen, Ether) with Oracle, Ore, Swarf, Vitiligo |
Meeshmoosh | 1036: Bowie | Dungeon Courser | ee Aa Tpprl nCu nT + Ore | |
ConfusedMcFlurry | 1008: Eldregn | Dungeon Courser | Chestnut Dun Roan Filigree Shroud with Ore | |
Jeska | 1003: Sunny | Dungeon Courser | Weld Splash with Ore | |
SeaCrest | 0989: Atella | Dungeon Courser | Chocolate Dunalino with Ore | |
mvseratii | 0901: Archimedes | Dungeon Courser | Crowned Pangare Ochre Pearl Dun Tabard Tovero with Brindle, Geode, Ore | |
broncoburro | 0865: Arthur | Dungeon Courser | Illuminated Weld Champagne with Ore | |
DrunkCleric | 0803: Wishbone | Dungeon Courser | Crowned Pangare Gold Champagne Gilt with Ore | |
Chipo | 0777: Sherry | Dungeon Courser | Red Dun Roan Tobiano with Ore | |
JayTheBird | 0759: Alexis | Dungeon Courser | Woad Smoky Black Dun Gilt Splash with Geode, Kintsugi, Ore | |
StormSoulSeeker | 0753: Jayber | Dungeon Courser | Illuminated Woad Tobiano False Leopard with Ore | |
Amatheos | 0747: Bluebird | Dungeon Courser | Puck | Sooty Woad Smoky Black Gilt Tabard Cuirass Sabino (carries Ether, Filigree) with Ore, Stained Glass |
JayTheBird | 0709: Bacchus | Dungeon Courser | Illuminated Pangare Tyrian Pearl with Ore, Vitiligo | |
mule-guts | 0706: Kazimir | Dungeon Courser | Illuminated Buckskin Cuirass with Chimera, Ore | |
Selkie | 0704: Velvet | Dungeon Courser | Puck | Pangare Amber Cream Pearl Champagne Gilt Snowflake with Bend-or Spots, Brindle, Geode, Ore |
TheSentientBurger | 0660: Lolth | Dungeon Courser | Gray Woad Champagne Gilt Tabard Cuirass Splash Snowcap with Geode, Ore, Swarf | |
emferno | 0616: Bloo | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Ombre Ether Cuirass with Birdcatcher Spots, Ore | |
neb | 0610: Orlando | Dungeon Courser | Silver Madder Champagne Tobiano with Ore | |
SleepyLegion | 0596: Oasis | Dungeon Courser | Puck | Crowned Pangare Woad Champagne Dun Gilt Tabard with Ore, Stained Glass |
212 results found.