[DD2] Röl #8 - The art of not getting lost
He passed the bridge. He could feel his heart suddenly beat so much faster as he took the last step and as if the bridge would suddenly fall behind him he almost jumped forward. He could hear Charlie the Inconvenience, his pygmy drake on his back, hiss as they suddenly jerked forward. Röl turned around and looked at the bridge. His heart kept beating fast, as if it suddenly realised what he had done. It was an amazing feeling. Despite his heart feeling as if it was trying to escape his body. He had to take a pause as he got himself collected and then took the calm time as an opportunity to open up his map again and make sure he had a plan going forward. He really didn’t want to get lost in these parts. He felt like it was a sure way of getting trapped in a hot room and perishing. Charlie the inconvenience, the pygmy drake, didn’t mind the break. He had not liked the high altitude of the bride and the raggedy feeling of the bridge had not helped him calm his nerves either as they passed it and he was making his dislike heard as he stomped around on Röls back for a while before settling in as Röl read the map carefully.
He wanted to be as prepared as he possibly could be for where he needed to go. If he could be sure and at the same time not bring up his map constantly he would be pretty happy. The less struggling with the map the more it meant he wasn’t at risk of losing it to the fire, lava or just overall hotness of these caves and caverns. It was easy to get lost if you weren't sure of what to look for. And Röl made sure he knew what he needed to find to find his way around.
318 words
Submitted By Dillyweed
for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
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Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago