A Helping... Hand?
“Shit!” The curse tumbled out of Rosery’s maw as they pitched forward onto their knees, forced into an awkward angle as their right hind leg refused to move. Pain shot up the limb as stone dug into the sensitive flesh and tendons there.
With a grunt, they carefully made their way to their hooves and peered back at their limb. Their pastern was caught in a crevice in the floor. Great. They tried a gentle tug, but it was no use. They were well and truly stuck.
The stirrings of fear and panic started to flutter in their chest. They were alone, deep in the dungeons, with no one else around. Should they call out for help? The chances of another courser hearing them were low. It was more likely that a wandering monster would find them and thank their lucky stars for such an easy meal.
Thoughts of what might be waiting for them in the dark only stoked their fear. They struggled helplessly, their panic overwhelming the pain that their movements sparked in their pastern. They would not die down here. They refused to.
A soft groaning noise echoed from deeper within the chamber. Rosary froze. What was that? They peered into the darkness, searching for any hint of movement. They spotted a glow of silver light, slowly approaching them. They hobbled backwards, away from the figure, their ears pinned to their skull.
Slowly, the light drew nearer, and as it did, it took shape. It was humanoid, with pointed ears and long hair. On the breastplate of its armor, it bore the symbol of a doe. It stepped towards them and Rosary snorted, stomping a hoof in warning. Its silvered limbs splayed out towards them, and it hissed softly at them, as if trying to imitate the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.
It moved even closer, and its silvery fingers reached out to brush their nose. Rosary flinched away, but the creature’s hands followed, stroking over their neck and down to their shoulder. They watched warily as the creature moved about them, the ghostly feeling of hands on their coat making their skin twitch. It dragged its hand down their leg to where their hoof was trapped among the rocks. The apparition wrapped its hand around their leg and with one, swift tug, wrenched their leg free.
Rosary jumped forward, placing their hoof down tenderly. It ached, and their skin had been rubbed raw in places, but they were free. They were safe. They let out a deep breath, swinging their head around to peer back at the spirit. Its maw split open, baring its ghostly teeth at them. It approached once more, stroking its hand down Rosary’s face and muzzle, whispering soft nothings to them. And then, just as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished before their eyes.
They stared at the empty space once occupied by the ghost and blinked incredulously. No one on the top side would ever believe something like this.
"There are no shortage of crevices in the dungeon to catch your hood. You find yourself wedged in the rock! What do you do?"
"The human ghosts you encounter while serving the Harvester bear a sigil you may recognize: a pentacle with two Coursers’ heads laid over it, each appearing to bite the other in the neck. This same sigil marks much of the human armor found in the Moor of Sleep. Others, however – especially humanoids of other species – bear different sigils on their banners and armor. You may meet an orc bearing a fabulously-tusked boar, a dwarf bearing a maned goat, or an elf bearing a thin hind. Who are these restless spirits? How do you interact with them?"
Submitted By Hiddennn
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago