[DD3] Up Upon the Parapet
You come across a partially-collapsed tower, perilous but possible to climb. After spirals and spirals of half-eaten stone steps, you make it to the roof. Over the top of the parapet, the entire battlefield is visible, and the wreckage is more vast than you had ever imagined. You cannot see a patch untouched. How do you feel when confronted with the true scope of the destruction?
This piece was taking so long and I haven't been able to work on it for a while due to joint pain so I decided to call it quits. Maybe someday I'll update it to its full glory but for now, this is it.
(there's a teeny tiny skeleton in the bottom right corner and I love him)
Submitted By TheSentientBurger
for Level 3 Dungeon Dive
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Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago