[DD2] Hopelessly lost.
The chocolate palomino would stop dead in her stride as a fellow adventurer appeared before her, staring at the white courser. "Crispin.. weren't you just-"
"I'm.. lost."
The white courser cut her off.
She'd cast a glance back towards the path as the actual Crispin rounded the corner, seeming caught off-guard by staring down himself.
Crispin's voice rang out.
"Run! We have to run!"
"You stumble upon a fellow adventurer who is hopelessly lost on this level of the dungeon. Will you help them? *Can* you help them?"
Uh.. no!
Submitted By JUMPST4RTED
for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago